
Our Team

Our Team in Numbers


Laboratory automation development is characterized by interdisciplinarity.

In addition to their expertise, systems engineers must have a deep understanding of biological processes. Similarly, biologists need to think in terms of bottom-up engineering principles. Only when both sides understand each other can productivity truly take off. 

At HSE•AG, we place great value on an interdisciplinary environment, with a respectful and dynamic team spirit. We support each other in finding the best solutions for creative approaches and exciting innovations. Our open culture enables us to be actively involved with shaping the future of our international business.

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Carlos Schönhärl testiomonials icon

I enjoy working on exciting developments and I take on responsibility and manage my own projects. Thanks to HSE’s flexibility, I can both work and study part-time, which allows me to take even bigger steps in my professional life.

Carlos Schönhärl,
Mechanical Engineer
Team-Zitat-Stefan testiomonials icon

At HSE•AG, life sciences meet automation and I have the pleasure of bringing these ideas to life with an excellent team for the benefit of our customers.

Stefan Kobel,
Senior Project Manager
Sabrina Harsch testiomonials icon

Our clients are as diverse as their products and so are their needs. Understanding those needs and developing complex systems that support underlying biological processes in small team of experts, is what makes my work here exceptional.

Sabrina Harsch,
Senior System Engineer

Senior Management

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